赌钱app可以微信提现 Dental Hygiene students provide services under the supervision of dentists and registered dental hygienists. Appointments are scheduled by the student and are not guaranteed. If you are not called, you may call to check on your status.
赌钱app可以微信提现 Dental Hygiene Clinic
You are welcome here!
The Dental Hygiene Program and its Dental Hygiene Clinic are diverse, inclusive, accepting, welcoming safe spaces for everyone.
- SCI 210 | Public welcome | Only $10!
Complete the appointment request form today!
Only preventive treatment is provided. No restorative or emergency treatment is available. For a complete diagnosis of treatment needs, you must see your own dentist. At your request, we will send diagnostic X-rays to your dentist. To make a request, please complete the Client X-Ray Request form.
Your dental office can send radiographs (X-Rays) to us via email at dentalhygiene@kllkj.net.
- Blood pressure screening
- Oral examination
- X-rays as needed
- Patient education
- Teeth scaled and polished
- Fluoride treatment
- Nutritional counseling
- Other selected services (sealants)
Making an Appointment, Cost
The clinic provides services to 赌钱app可以微信提现 students, faculty, community members and children beginning at the age of 4. If you have a special dental or medical condition (such as heart disease, hepatitis, high blood pressure or diabetes) we may need a written statement from your physician prior to treating you. The cost for services is $10 (cash, check, credit or debit card) which covers all services and is due at the first appointment.
One of our staff dentists can sign school-age children’s dental cards if they do not need additional treatment. Most children are seen in the clinic during the spring semester.
To request an appointment, please complete the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dental Hygiene Clinic Appointment Request Form or contact the clinic at 913-469-3808. Requests are taken at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. The clinic is NOT open in the summer.
Once completed, your name will be placed on a list for patient appointments. Students are responsible for appointing their own patients according to their own schedule and requirements. Therefore, appointments are not guaranteed. If you are appointed, these times are limited and valuable. Please make every effort to keep your appointment date and time. If you must cancel, please give your student 24 hours’ notice. Otherwise, you may not be eligible for future appointments.
赌钱app可以微信提现 Dental Hygiene Patient Bill of Rights and Expectations
Patient Bill of Rights
- Considerate and respectful treatment that is comprehensive for dental hygiene needs.
- A treatment plan that is designed to address those needs will be developed for you to review.
- Treatment in a clean and safe environment.
- Receive treatment without discrimination as to sex, race, color, national origin, disability, age, religion, marital status, parental status, military status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or source of payment.
- Advance knowledge of the cost of the dental hygiene service(s).
- Access to complete and current information about his/her oral conditions.
- Receive information that is needed to give informed consent for any proposed procedure or treatment.
- An explanation of the recommended dental hygiene treatment, treatment alternatives and the expected outcome.
- Dental hygiene treatment that meets the professional standard of care.
- Confidentiality regarding your medical conditions, oral health status, and patient records in accordance with state and federal law.
- Refuse treatment and be told what effect this may have on your oral health.
The Dental Hygiene Clinic provides limited services. Our staff dentist will give written referrals for recommended services beyond the scope of the Clinic’s services. Patients are encouraged to routinely seek appointments with their community dentist. A referral list of community dentists will be given upon request, but referrals are not endorsements. The choice of a dentist is a personal decision. Information about a dentist’s license can be found on the Kansas Dental Board website, http://www.kansas.gov/dental-verification/index.do.
You will be informed if there is a need for a medial consultation with your physician regarding your current health. Treatment at the Clinic may be denied or delayed based on certain medical conditions.
Compliance requirements of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are included within the curriculum of the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dental Hygiene Clinic. Confidentiality of individual records is maintained. Only members of the faculty, staff, and students with a legitimate need are allowed access to patient records. Release of patient records requires the individual’s written consent.
Patient Expectations
- Since the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dental Hygiene Clinic is an educational learning environment, your treatment may take several appointments. If it does, you will be informed at your first appointment of the approximate amount of time needed.
- Because students must complete patients for credit, we must ask that you commit to the time frame and appointments you are given.
- Arrive on time and respect faculty, students, and staff while at the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Dental Hygiene Clinic.
- Give your student dental hygienist twenty-four (24) hours’ notice if you must cancel a scheduled appointment.
- Chronic tardiness, last minute cancellations, or failure to keep appointments may be grounds for patient inactivation and grounds for dismissal.
- Behavior that does not align with the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Code of Conduct and is not conducive to the student learning environment may be grounds for dismissal.
- Some complex medical and oral health conditions are too advanced to be safely and effectively treated in our facility and student learning environment. You will be informed at your first appointment of the need for a referral for treatment.